Server Move (Regular)
If you decide you want to try a different style of gameplay or be on the same server as your friends, the regular server move will allow you to move one character to a different server. With this move you will lose all of your items in your backpack and bank as they will not transfer with you.
How to Use Server moves are done on the Pixel Mine Secure Site. Log in to the site and click on the "Games" tab. Click on "View your Ashen Empires character information." Next choose the server and character that you wish to move. At the bottom of the screen is a button labeled "Enable Server Move" which brings up a server select box and a move button. Be sure you have selected the right character when doing a server move. If someone on the destination server has the same name as you, you'll be asked to choose a new name.
All guild tags and guild information is lost when you change servers. |