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Valentine's Day ARMOR


This Valentine's Day bundle comes with a full set of armor, pictured to the right:

1 Valentine's Armor (M)
1 Valentine's Corset (F)
1 Valentine's Boots (M)
1 Valentine's Stockings (F)
1 Valentine's Cape
1 Valentine's Cumberbund (M)
1 Valentine's Gloves
1 Valentine's Leggings (M)
1 Valentine's Garter (F)
1 Valentine's Ring (M)
1 Valentine's Ring (F)
1 Valentine's Shield

How to Use
Log in with the character that will be using this item. Type /store in chat or press "0" and choose the coin icon to bring up the in game store. Find Valentine's Day Armor in the list and press the "use" button which can be found at the bottom of the store. A special store purchase chest will be placed in your backpack. In it contains the armor.